Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 1, Year : 2024
Article Page : 42-50
Open educational resources are becoming important in achieving the research goal and quality education. Available open education resources were recognized early on by UNESCO in 2004 when they first used the term “Open Education Resources “In the current era of digital information, many types and subjective, open resources are available for the world’s education. The Researcher and scholars can take advantage of these open resources with the consultation of librarians. The scholars need to meet your librarian and discuss the correct information for your work. In the digital era, much wrong information is available, but searching for correct information from open resources is challenging. Open access online resources and selection for research work: The selection of correct information for research work is essential therefore, research scholars and researchers must focus on the different components and platforms of open resources.
Keywords: Open access, Digital Resources, Swayam, Shodhganga, Repositories
How to cite : Bharti M C, Useful online open-access digital resources and their selection for researchers in the digital information world. IP Indian J Libr Sci Inf Technol 2024;9(1):42-50
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Received : 31-05-2024
Accepted : 18-06-2024
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